
An autonomous robotic vehicle created for the agricultural future

AgriPal is a robotic assistant designed for the agricultural sector that performs the tasks of transporting containers between the harvest site and the collection point.

  1. Transport of empty containers:
    AgriPal transports empty containers to the picking site where the pickers fill them with produce.
  2. Collection of full containers:
    When the picker fills the container with produce, AgriPal collects it and brings it back to the collection point.
  3. Automation of container exchange:
    At the collection point, AgriPal automatically unloads a full container and loads a new empty one.
  4. Reducing the physical work of pickers:
    By transporting heavy containers, AgriPal significantly relieves pickers of physical work, thereby increasing their efficiency.
  5. Use of intelligent technologies:
    AgriPal uses an intelligent container exchange terminal and a special depth sensing sensor for accurate and efficient operation.

AgriPal is adapted to specific tasks in agriculture, which enables cost optimization and increased functionality compared to more general robotic platforms on the market.

AgriPal can relieve a group of pickers of up to 30% of monotonous work. This means that in a group of three pickers, one is relieved of exchanging containers and can pick crops instead.

Projekt: AgriPal – Za izjemen pridelek prihodnosti!
Cilj projekta je razvoj samovozečega robotskega vozila, ki v času pobiranja pridelkov služi kot nepogrešljiv pomočnik pri prevažanju polnih in praznih zabojnikov.
Namen projekta je razvoj visokotehnološke rešitve, ki temelji na umetni inteligenci in omogoča enostavno upravljanje ter varno sobivanje robotskih pomočnikov in ljudi.
Celotna višina financiranja: 72.000€
Višina sofinanciranja – Evropska Unija:  28.800€
Začetek operacije: Marec 2024
Konec operacije: Marec 2026


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AionEye d.o.o.